Dear Secret Mind Bloggles,
I am going to use you as a little escape from my world when things get tough; as often things do in a world so big and so round. But we're not going to feel afraid here, are we. *Smiles* Because this is where the world stops.
And the happy places start.
The secret bloggles of my mind. A safety net for all the bad that makes me sad. But that's not what we're here to talk about. Is it. *Winks*
So if the world is looking for me, under all its beds and in the back of all its wardrobes, this is where it will find me . . . if I can't be found.
Oh, and hello there! *Waves in your direction* Welcome aboard. There's an endless supply of chocolate biscuits at the door. I've eaten so many I feel sick. Why don't you all help yourselves as you see fit.
Can you smell the sparklers?
LE x